Untuk pembaca yang budiman
Setiap hari jumat atau sabtu, tulisan saya dalam bentuk
bahasa inggris
Inspirasi di Jumat Sore
Ketika aku ingin menulis lagi tentang pengalamanku hari, ada
pesan masuk dari junior di kampus. Ia menulis tentang pengalamannya mengikuti
grup inggris di Masjid Al-Markaz. Saya sebenarnya tak terlalu tertarik dengan
pengalamannya. Tapi saya tertarik dengan idenya dalam menyampaikan pengalaman.
Ia menulis pengalamannya bersama seniornya dalam bentuk bahasa inggris.
Hari itu, Jumat. Aku berjanji dengan hati untuk menulis juga
dalam bentuk bahasa inggris tiap jumat atau sabtu. Awalnya mungkin masih butuh bantuan
google translate. Saya yakin juga kalimatnya masih berantakan. Sistematika
katanya parah. Tapi tak mengapa. Biasakan saja dulu. Lama-lama pasti bisa. Seperti
pepatah, Pisau yang diasa terus menerus akan tajam. Ala bisa karena biasa.
Permulaannya tulisan saya ini akan dalam bentuk dua bahasa. Bahasa
Indonesia dan bahasa inggris. Saya juga tak menutup kritik dan saran dari
teman-teman yang membaca tulisan ini. Baik dalam bentuk verb, ketepatan tenses
dan sistematika kalimat. Saya juga sangat berharap anda menitipkan komentar. Sebagai
tanda kerja sama.
For dear reader
Every Friday or Saturday, I am writing in the form of the English language
Inspiration on a Friday Afternoon
When I want to write more about my day, there is a message coming from a junior in college. He wrote about her experience following the English group at the Al-Markaz Mosque. I'm not really interested about her experience. But I was intrigued by the idea of delivering her experience. She wrote his experiences as a senior in the form of the English language.
That day, Friday. I promise to care to write well in English form by Friday or Saturday. Initially it may still need help google translate. I believe the sentence is also still a mess. I believe the systematics severely. But not why. Get used to it first. In the future i can do it. As the saying goes, knives will be sharp in despair continuously. Could be due to normal.
From the beginning of my writing will be in the form of two languages. Indonesian and English. I also do not shut down criticism and suggestions from friends who read this. Whether in the form of verbs, tenses and systematics sentence accuracy. I also really hope you leave a comment. As a sign of cooperation.
For dear reader
Every Friday or Saturday, I am writing in the form of the English language
Inspiration on a Friday Afternoon
When I want to write more about my day, there is a message coming from a junior in college. He wrote about her experience following the English group at the Al-Markaz Mosque. I'm not really interested about her experience. But I was intrigued by the idea of delivering her experience. She wrote his experiences as a senior in the form of the English language.
That day, Friday. I promise to care to write well in English form by Friday or Saturday. Initially it may still need help google translate. I believe the sentence is also still a mess. I believe the systematics severely. But not why. Get used to it first. In the future i can do it. As the saying goes, knives will be sharp in despair continuously. Could be due to normal.
From the beginning of my writing will be in the form of two languages. Indonesian and English. I also do not shut down criticism and suggestions from friends who read this. Whether in the form of verbs, tenses and systematics sentence accuracy. I also really hope you leave a comment. As a sign of cooperation.
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